This Coffee is
Light Roasted, We Taste Kiwi, Grapefruit, Orange, White Peach & Honey Crisp
Gedeb Gotiti is produced by small holder farmers in the Gedeo region. Â The farmers grow their coffees on steep mountain slopes at approximately 6,500 ft above sea level under the shade of Cordia, Africana, Acacia and Ensete trees. Â The coffee is picked when the cherries are ripe and any over-ripe and under-ripe cherries that make it through are separated before pulping. Â Coffees are pulped and allowed to ferment naturally for 28 hours. Â The coffee is then washed with clean running water and sun-dried for approximately for 18 days or until the desired moisture content of 11.5% is reached. Â Dried parchment is then stored in a field warehouse until ready for transport to Addis Ababa.
Light Roasted, We Taste Kiwi, Grapefruit, Orange, White Peach & Honey Crisp