Nicaragua Finca San Francisco



Nicaragua Finca San Francisco

Finca San Francisco sits at about 4,500′ in the region Jinotega, Nicaragua.  The beans are dense & large which makes them very consistent to roast.  They grow varietals Caturra, Catuai & Bourbon.  This is washed coffee and is delicious served as filter coffee or espresso.

Don Francisco & Blanca Nieve were some of the first farmers to partner with Gold Mountain Coffee Growers back in the day.  Both were members of a certified cooperative that suffered from mismanagement and did not allow enough income to feed a family.  Gold Mountain has provided them greater market access to quality roasters and even financed the purchase of their second farm, Finca San Francisco.  In addition to helping with finances, Gold Mountain also helped them build their wet mill.

This Coffee ORIGINATES IN...


This Coffee is

Medium to Light Roast, We Taste Raspberries, Apples & Prunes